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7 Tips for Getting the Water You Need

More benefits of drinking water than just quenching thirst. Given that our bodies contain roughly 60% water, maintaining hydration is beneficial to our health. Your body needs water to maintain a healthy temperature, transport nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body, flush out waste, safeguard your organs, and keep your joints flexible. Water is lost by our bodies during routine activity. We must replenish this every day by consuming enough water. Your body will try to cool itself by losing more water while it’s hot outside. You should therefore consume a lot of water during the summer.

What consequences does dehydration have?

If you lose more water than you are consuming, you risk becoming dehydrated. Headaches may result from even minor dehydration. Excessive thirst, weariness, disorientation, and confusion are some more symptoms. Many dehydration symptoms might not show up until you’ve lost a significant amount of water. Being proactive and consuming lots of water throughout the day is your best bet. If you experience confusion or dizziness, seek immediate medical attention. If you’re going swimming, drink plenty of water to prevent cramps.

When is enough water enough?

There isn’t a secret number. Each person has unique demands. It also depends on whether you’re engaged in a sweat-inducing activity or are outside on a hot day.

The bottom line is to hydrate when you’re thirsty and to do so even more so when you’re perspiring. Although the daily recommended amount of water varies from person to person, the general rule is to consume at least 8 glasses of water each day, according to health officials (with a glass being 8 fluid ounces).

To help you drink more water, try these suggestions:

  1. Give your water some taste. Consider adding some fresh fruit, such as lime, strawberries, or lemon. Slices of cucumber and herbs like mint, basil, or lavender can also be used to add flavor.
  2. Diluted sweet beverages. Juice, lemonade, or iced tea can be made sweeter by adding water and a lot of ice.
  3. Rather than soda, choose sparkling water. Don’t want the sugar shock but still want the bubbles? The calories in sparkling water are 0.
  4. Consume foods that are high in water. Cucumbers (96% water), zucchini (95% water), watermelon (92% water), and grapefruit are among the best choices (91 percent water).
  5. Feeling hungry? Drink first. Try some water before you reach for a snack. Your body may have confused being hungry with being thirsty.
  6. Carry a reusable water bottle. And refill it often. Bottles marked with ounces can help you keep track of how much you’re drinking each day. Plus, they’re much better for the environment than single-use plastic bottles.
  7. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after a workout. The American Council on Exercise has some guidelines.

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